chemical reaction


chemical reaction 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Chemistry. reaction.

chemical reaction 近义词

chemical reaction

等同于 chain reaction

更多chemical reaction例句

  1. All you need to do is shake the pack vigorously for a couple of seconds, triggering a safe chemical reaction that will lead to up to 10 hours of consistent heat in 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. This speeds up the chemical reactions involved in charging and discharging, allowing the battery to reach almost full capacity in just 10 minutes.
  3. This warmer atmosphere then speeds up weathering of rocks on Earth’s surface, by boosting the chemical reaction between carbon dioxide–rich rainwater and the rocks.
  4. Most efforts so far have required expensive catalysts—substances that boost the speed of a chemical reaction—or multiple energy-intensive processing steps, which means the resulting fuel is far pricier than fossil fuels.
  5. Your body's energy needsMetabolism is a biological term that refers to all the chemical reactions needed to maintain life in an organism.
  6. We haven't had any real fan reaction yet, but our collective fingers are crossed.
  7. Or how kicking a reaction-less eunuch in the crotch over and over again is comedy.
  8. Your general reaction runs along the lines of: “When will these geezers give it up and go for a mall walk or something?”
  9. Jundullah and Jaish ul Adl sprang up “in reaction to that kind of oppression,” he said.
  10. There was Carol White, a ho-hum homemaker who finds herself besieged by multiple chemical sensitivity in Safe.
  11. While this reaction lasted he laughed away the evidence, and honestly believed he was exaggerating trifles.
  12. Ordinarily the diazo appears a little earlier than the Widal reaction—about the fourth or fifth day—but it may be delayed.
  13. For Lettice—the tender woman of his first acquaintance—had obviously experienced a moment of reaction.
  14. When applied to the diagnosis of typhoid fever, the phenomenon is known as the Widal reaction.
  15. As yet, it is the only agglutination reaction which has any practical value for the practitioner.